The BEST Fall Diffuser Blends

the BEST fall diffuser blends (for essential oils) | @lifeasaloewen on IG

Leaves crunching underfoot, football games with friends, apple orchards and all things pumpkin spice. Ah, yes, fall is officially here! I have absolutely no shame about my love for fall. I think there’s something so magical about it - the coziness, the routine and permission just to be and not have to run around so crazy like in the summer.

I’ve complied my list of absolute favorite fall diffuser blends for essential oils. I solely use Young Living essential oils - we’ve been using them in our home for years now and they’re the only ones I’ll trust around my family. If you need to get started with oils, you can order them HERE and I’ll make sure that you know how to use them and get plugged in to all of our amazing team resources.

[PS - if you haven’t yet started with high quality essential oils, I highly recommend getting started with the premium starter kit. You’ll get a diffuser for FREE that you can pump these gorgeous smells into the air with, not to mention 12 essential oils and 24% off all future Young Living orders.]

Okay, here are my FAVORITE fall diffuser blends!

fall diffuser blends for essential oils | @lifeasaloewen on IG


3 drops orange

3 drops patchouli

1 drop clove


2 drops orange

2 drops frankincense

2 drops cinnamon bark


3 drops clove

2 drops nutmeg

2 drops cinnamon bark

2 drops ginger

2 drops orange


2 drops eucalytus

2 drops rosemary

2 drops balsam fir


3 drops northern lights black spruce

2 drops stress away

Hope you enjoyed these diffuser blends! Happy fall, everyone!

