New Chapter, More Insanity

running for adoption As some of you know, Jason and I are in the process of adding to our family through adoption. Our family of five will soon become a family of six (I can't even stinkin' believe it and sometimes most of the time, it leaves me feeling like we are totally insane).

I mean, really.

Landon is 4, Charlotte will be 3 next week and Aiden just turned 1.


Jason and I discussed adoption seriously when I was pregnant with Charlotte. With both agreed that it was something we absolutely wanted to do. We thought that meant we would start the adoption process after I gave birth to Charlotte.

God had other plans.

One day, I couldn't shake this feeling that I needed to get pregnant again. At the time, Landon was nearly three and Charlotte just turned one. Jason and I talked it over, and we agreed.

Time to get to business. 

A month later we were pregnant with Aiden, and while all three of my pregnancies were actually quite wonderful (stop it with the 'I'm-going-to-kill-you-glare' women who had challenging pregnancies. I'm sorry! It's just the way it all worked out ;) ) I knew that it was the very last time I wanted to be pregnant.

I wanted my body back...err...some semblance of the former body I used to we decided that we'd move forward with the adoption process like we had tried once before.

This time, I felt a huge peace. Even an urgency from The Lord.

This was it. This was His timing, not mine.

After having Charlotte, and moving to Northern MI, we started fundraising for an adoption. However, the entire time I felt this check in my spirit like "Laura, not now. This is good, just not now."

Note to self: don't ignore those little checks in your spirit again.

So, we pressed forward as we choleric's tend to do, and a minimal amount of money came in.

Sometimes  Most often, it takes us firstborns awhile to concede to an idea other than our own.

For us, adoption is a beautiful picture of what God has done for those who believe  in the spiritual realms. 

God's Word, the Bible, tells us that...

He predestined us to be adopted as his sons through Jesus Christ, in accordance with his pleasure and will - Ephesians 1:5

 The Spirit you received does not make you slaves, so that you live in fear again; rather, the Spirit you received brought about your adoption to sonship. And by him we cry, “Abba, Father.” - Romans 8:15

We also know as Christ-followers that we are to follow James 1:27 which tells us: "Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world."

Add that to the fact that there are approximately 147 million orphans worldwide -

Let that sink in. 147 million orphans.

147 million babies with no mama to kiss their boo-boo's.


147 million little ones with no daddy to cradle them in strong arms.


147 million precious children with no one to tell them 'I love you', care for them.

- and Jason and I knew we needed to adopt.

We're adopting from South Africa, as it has crazy-special place in our hearts, since we met there some 9 years ago.

So, that's totally crazy.

But were doing something additionally crazy.


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Laura Loewen.

The girl who hasn't been on one, no not one sports team in her entire life.

The girl who hasn't given working out an honest effort in six months.

This girl (and her cute husband) are running a half marathon!!

September 6, 2014 on the shores of Holland, MI for the Holland Haven race, you will find us (inevitably toned, less fatty...) rockin' and rollin' after training for the spring and summer.

So will you join us?

Will you be a part of our story? Of our sons story?

We will be raising funds for our half marathon and every last penny will go toward funding our $40,000 adoption (yes, it's true).

If you're interested in blessing our family and changing a little boys' life forever, you can go to:

Through Abba Fund, you can give via credit card, debit card, even cell phones and commodities!

Thanks for considering this - what a journey we're on!

Through Unspeakable Joy,




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