Inventory of Sorts
<a href="">Follow my blog with Bloglovin</a> A Noonday sister and lady after my own heart, Wynne Elder did a blog post titled 'Taking Stock'. Just a little sneak-peak into what's going on with her, and I loved it {if you haven't already, seriously go check out her blog. She's real, she has the cutest little twins and she's just so endearing} and thought it was a fun idea, so I decided to copy it!
Inside Laura's head {brace yourself}:
Making: a mess on my floor with pumpkin muffin crumbs.
Cooking: nothing, oddly has been a little cray-cray!
Reading: One Way Love by Tullian Tchividjian. Changing my life.
Wanting: to sleep through the night.
Looking: for what God's doing next.
Playing: sword fights with my Aiden boy.
Wasting: crusts of sandwiches. I'm just as bad as a kid!
Trusting: God knows what He's doing.
Wishing: for more time with my girlfriends.
Enjoying: snuggles with my love at the end of each day.
Waiting: for USCIS approval for adoption so we can move forward.
Liking: Greek God's salted honey greek yogurt. To. Die.
Wondering: when I'll get to sleep soundly again.
Loving: snuggles with Landon during a movie when he's not aware of what mama is up to!
Hoping: for temps above 55 to play outside with no coats
Marveling: at the Lord's faithfulness to me.
Needing: to find a hobby.
Anticipating: running a half marathon with Jason. Eek!
Contemplating: living with more grace.
Smelling: sweet Aiden-boy hair.
Wearing: jeans and a hoodie.
Following: the promptings of the Holy Spirit.
Knowing: God has me where I'm at for a reason.
Thinking: there isn't enough coffee in all the world.
Praying: to be poured out, filled with more love and grace.
Bookmarking: favorite recipes on the tablet. Recipes for dayz.
Opening: the pantry for the gazillionth time. Maybe I'll find a new snack I didn't buy and that will secretly take my breath away.
Giggling: at the girlie girl that is my Charlotte. She'll be 3 tomorrow. How in the world did that happen??
Feeling: completely exhausted. grateful. worn out. blessed.
Through Unspeakable Joy,